"Orang boleh pandai setinggi langit tapi selama ia tidak menulis, ia akan hilang di dalam masyarakat dan sejarah. menulis adalah bekerja untuk keabadian" (Pramoedya Ananta Toer)

Senin, 23 September 2013



Mahmudi , Internalization of values ​​in the Character Education Lesson Economics in SMAN 10 Surabaya . Thesis, Department of Social Sciences Education ( IPs) and teacher Tarbiyah Faculty , State Islamic University ( UIN ) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang , Dr . H. Pure Wahid , M. Pd , Ak .

Character education has been implemented in several countries and are given high priority . But in Indonesia , character education is still considered a discourse and not integrated into formal education . In 2010 , the government has socialized character education at every level of education . Policy is implemented by all schools ranging from primary education to higher education . Character education is a character value integrate and implement it on each subject . Teachers no longer focus only on the material being taught , however , the teacher is also tasked to insert a character value into the syllabus and lesson plan and then implement these values ​​through learning activities in the classroom .

The purpose of this study is the first to describe the implementation process of internalizing the values ​​of character education in the subjects of Economics in SMAN 10 Surabaya , the second describing the implementation of the enabling and inhibiting internalization of internalizing the values ​​of character education in the subjects of Economics in SMAN 10 Surabaya .

This research uses descriptive qualitative research approach . This study was conducted in a natural situation so that there is no limitation in understanding the phenomenon being studied . This study took place at SMAN 10 Surabaya . This study took a class subject SMAN 10 Surabaya . Data was collected through interviews, observation , and documentation .

The first results showed lower internalization process of implementing the values ​​of character education in the subjects of Economics in SMAN 10 Surabaya , can be seen from the syllabus and lesson plans . The second learning process in the classroom . The third character values ​​chosen studied based learning materials in accordance with the competencies to be mastered learners . Factors supporting the implementation of character education such as schools and related institutions by organizing special workshops sedangksn of agencies that support education through the provision of guidelines for the implementation of character education books that can be used as guidelines for schools to implement character education . Factors inhibiting character education is the time required for establishing a learning device for longer because they have to sort out a suitable value of the character to be implemented in accordance with the material . Besides a long time in the delivery of the character values ​​in the classroom is also a limiting factor in the implementation of character education on economic subjects .

Keywords : Internalization , Values ​​Character Education , In Subjects economy

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